Contribute Your Feedback by June 24th - Turn Your Placemaking Visions into Reality!

We're getting down to the wire - our NSF-funded software beta is due at the end of June. But we are still taking your feedback until June 24th - please sign up here.

In the past two weeks, we’ve shared our software prototype with over 20 cities striving to enhance their economic competitiveness by making places better. Cities have shared their struggles in this regard, ranging from dealing with NIMBYs; to attracting interest - from qualified, mixed-use developers - in their development opportunities; to stretching limited planning budgets; to a frustration with a lack of access to quality built environment data.

But cities have also shared their excitement for a tool that can help them overcome these barriers... Perhaps this sense of hope is best expressed in the quote above. We agree that showing the economic why behind your placemaking goals, as shown in the screenshots of our software below, will help you realize them!

Predicted Economic Impact of Built Environment Changes

Comparing the Economic Value-add of Three Project Proposals

We would love to learn more about how telling these kinds of data-driven stories could best help your community. If you are interested in a quick 20-minute chat, please sign up before June 24th.


Mariela Alfonzo, Ph.D.
Founder & CEO of State of Place
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