Your Covid stories: Citymakers share their hopes, fears, and little everyday moments…

A little over a week ago, as a follow up to the very positive response to Mariela’s (our Founder) New Cities piece about the implications of Covid on citymaking, we began collecting your stories, you, the planners, the placemakers, the citymakers, the joymakers. Stories about how you are feeling, coping, doing, strategizing, raging…with the hope that sharing these with you all, our community, our people, would help you commiserate, would inspire you, would lift you up, would spark you to get in some “good trouble” starting now, would spread some empathy, would spark joy in your hearts and souls.

Well, we’re humbled to have received stories from you, our citymaker friends, from all over the world - from New Zealand to Minneapolis, Australia to Malaysia, DC, to the Emirates, Kansas to Dallas…We’re sharing the first batch of them here below, without comment, because they need none. We hope they help you in some small way during this unprecedented time, and that they will surely inspire you to record your own —> here <— as we’ll be adding on to this compendium on an ongoing basis…So, without further ado…


In this Covid City Stories episode, a thank you to:

Mike Day of RobertsDay, Melbourne, Australia

Mich Hoo, Malaysia/Spain

Andrew Howard, Team Better Block, Dallas, TX, USA

Tracy Nordstrom, Towerside Innovation District, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Patrick Marchman, Resilience Action Partners, Kansas City, MO, USA

Boopsie Maran, Places for Good, Auckland, NZ

Also, listen to the second episode here:


Inspired by these stories? Want to tell your own? Just click below to record and we’ll feature it in an upcoming set of stories from citymakers around the world in the trenches of the Covid19 pandemic. Thank you for sharing!

Mariela AlfonzoComment