How Data Can Hold Space for Communities and Amplify their Voices

Last week, I spent about an hour with Ford Mobility’s Transloc’s, The Movement podcast, chatting about equity, the value of urban design, and the long story about the why behind my story…behind the 20+ year journey that has led to State of Place…behind the many hard paths I’ve had to traverse to help tell more powerful and compelling stories about why place matters. We also discussed why those places must be people-first - inclusive, equitable, just places that make us happier, healthier, stronger, and more connected - and how data could help achieve just that. This week, I’m excited to share this story with you, hosted by the wonderful Josh Cohen and L'erin Jensen! Go for a socially distanced walk, get some fresh air and some steps in, and listen up! Please do share with others, and we’d love to hear any thoughts below!

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